Implementing Podcasts Approach in Teaching EFL listening classroom: improvement on comprehension
Listening is the key to all effective communication without the ability to effectively listen to easily misunderstood messages, communication breaks down and messengers can easily become frustrated or irritated. English teaching media are very important to help students for get new concepts of the language ability and language competences. Podcasts are audio files available on the internet. the advantages of podcasts, selection of the most beneficial ones, and discusses how to maximize learning from them. The advantages of podcasts are: 1) students can benefit from global listening, even if they only listen to from three to five minutes a day; 2) students will be exposed to a new language; 3) middle level learners have a need for authentic texts and are exposed to a variety of voices. The objective of this research is Implementing Podcasts Approach in Teaching EFL listening classroom: improvement on comprehension. This research classroom action research, which was carried out through four steps. That is, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects of the research were the VIII B grade Students of in SMP N 2 South Bengkulu which consisted of 30. In during this research, the data analysis technique was applied by using qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative was taken from interview, observation sheet, and documentation. The quantitative was taken from the test. The result of this research as follows: in the pre-assessment of listening test, the students were included into "Very Poor" category with means of the students score (48,8). In the listening test in cycle 1, the students were included into "poor" category. with means of the students score (57,4). In the listening test in cycle 2, the students were included into "average" category with means of the students score (63,36). Meanwhile in the listening test in cycle 3, the students were included into "good" category with means of the students score (76,2). In this case there is an improvement in the score from listening test. Here the researcher got the conclusions in listening by using podcasts approach. The use of podcasts approach can improve students’ in listening by adapting the material with the students’ need, interest, etc. It can be started also from the low level to the higher. The teacher also create some fun activities using podcasts approach for the students.
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